Damaged Sidewalk Update
Posted on Mar 20th, 2020
Update from the county:
Hillsborough County Public Works Department is in receipt of your service request regarding the damaged sidewalks on Rolling Ranch Place, Lake Shore Ranch Dr, Harvest Moon Dr, Golden Squirrel Way, and Mosaic Forest Dr. First, let us thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention and allowing us the opportunity to address it. We will have the East Service Unit come out and address the areas of concern.
We apologize for the inconvenience you have incurred. The location you identified has been inspected by county staff and a work order has been initiated to replace the damaged panels you reported. Hillsborough County is currently working to restore damaged sidewalk panels throughout the county. We began the first phase of this project in October 2018, however the backlog of request is several years. The Sidewalk Replacement Project is now transitioning into the second phase and the location you identified is included in the scope of work. At this time the area of concern is not included in the upcoming 90 day work plan (January – March) and we don’t have a definitive schedule for when it will be repaired.
We anticipate some updates in the beginning of July 2020 in regards to next 90 work plan.
Public Works Department